Service Schedule for Great Lent 2023

The following represents “the plan”, but please always confirm that no alterations have been made by consulting the Weekly Bulletin (emailed on Saturday each week) and other announcement emails.
Weekend of Forgiveness Sunday
Saturday, February 25
6:00 pm   Great Vespers
6:45 pm   Confessions

Forgiveness Sunday, February 26  (Cheesefare)
9:00 am   Orthros
10:00 am  Divine Liturgy
6:30 pm   Forgiveness Vespers (1st service of Great Lent)
First Week of Great Lent
Monday , February 27 – First Day of Great Lent
6:30 pm   Great Canon of Repentance, Pt.1 (Great Compline)
Tuesday, February 28
6:30 pm   Great Canon of Repentance, Pt. 2 (Great Compline)
Wednesday, March 1

6:30 pm   Presanctified Liturgy
Thursday, March 2
6:30 pm   Great Canon of Repentance, Pt. 4 (Great Compline)
Friday, March 3

6:30 pm   Akathist to the Theotokos (Little Compline)
Saturday, March 4

6:00 pm   Great Vespers
6:45 pm   Confessions
Sunday of the Triumph of Orthodoxy, March 5

9:00 am   Orthros
10:00 am  Divine Liturgy & Procession with the Holy Icons
6:00 pm    Pan-Orthodox Vespers & Procession with the Holy Icons

                   (We are hosting Seeker of the Lost Mission at Holy Trinity)
Second Week of Great Lent
Monday, March 6
6:30 pm   Great Compline
Wednesday, March 8
6:30 pm   Presanctified Liturgy
Friday, March 10
6:30 pm   Akathist to the Theotokos (Little Compline)
Saturday of Souls, March 11

9:00 AM   Divine Liturgy with Trisagion for Departed
6:00 pm   Great Vespers
6:45 pm   Confessions
Sunday of St. Gregory Palamas, March 12

9:00 am   Orthros
10:00 am  Divine Liturgy
Third Week of Great Lent
Monday , March 13
6:30 pm   Great Compline
Wednesday, March 15
6:30 pm   Presanctified Liturgy
Friday, March 17 
6:30 pm   Akathist to the Theotokos (Little Compline)
Saturday of Souls, March 18
9:00 AM   Divine Liturgy with Trisagion for Departed
6:00 pm   Great Vespers
6:45 pm   Confessions
Sunday of the Holy Cross, March 19

9:00 am   Orthros
10:00 am  Divine Liturgy & Veneration of the Holy Cross
Fourth Week of Great Lent
Monday , March 20 
6:30 pm   Great Compline
Wednesday, March 22
6:30 pm   Presanctified Liturgy
Friday, March 24
6:00 pm  Great Vespers for Annunciation (note start time)
                    with Fourth Stasis of Akathist Hymn
Saturday, March 25 – FEAST OF ANNUNCIATION
9:00 AM   Divine Liturgy
6:00 pm   Great Vespers
6:45 pm   Confessions

Sunday of St. John Climacus, March 26
9:00 am   Orthros
10:00 am  Divine Liturgy
Fifth Week of Great Lent
Monday , March 27
6:30 pm   Great Compline
Wednesday, March 29
6:30 pm   Complete Great Canon of Repentance (Little Compline)
Thursday, March 30
6:30 pm   Presanctified Liturgy
Friday, March 31
6:30 pm   Akathist to the Theotokos (Little Compline)
Saturday, April 1
6:00 pm   Great Vespers
6:45 pm   Reading of Life of St. Mary of Egypt
7:30 pm   Confessions
Sunday of St. Mary of Egypt, April 2

9:00 am   Orthros
10:00 am  Divine Liturgy
Sixth Week of Great Lent
Monday , April 3
6:30 pm   Great Compline
Wednesday, April 5
6:30 pm   Presanctified Liturgy
HOLY WEEK begins

Friday, April 7
6:30 pm   Canon of Raising of Lazarus (Little Compline)
Lazarus Saturday, April 8
9:00 am   Divine Liturgy
followed by church cleaning and decorating party, preparing for Holy Week
6:00 pm   Great Vespers
6:45 pm   Confessions
Palm Sunday, April 9

9:00 am   Orthros
10:00 am  Divine Liturgy with Palms Procession

6:00 pm   Bridegroom Orthros
HOLY WEEK continues
Holy Monday , April 10
6:30 pm   Bridegroom Orthros
Holy Tuesday, April 11
6:30 pm   Bridegroom Orthros
Holy Wednesday, April 12

6:30 pm   Holy Unction
Holy Thursday, April 13

9:00 am   Vesperal Divine Liturgy (Institution of Eucharist)
6:30 pm   Passion Gospels Orthros (Crucifixion)
Holy Friday, April 14
9:00 am   Royal Hours
decoration of the Bier and nave
3:30 pm   Taking Down from the Cross Vespers
7:00 pm   Lamentations Orthros (at the Tomb)
Holy Saturday, April 15
10:00 am   Vesperal Divine Liturgy possibly with Baptisms/Chrismations
11:00 pm   Paschal Services (Rush, Orthros, Divine Liturgy)
followed by Blessing of Paschal Baskets and Festal Potluck
1:00 pm   Agape Vespers

followed by BBQ picnic, Egg Hunt, and Lots of Fun

More To Explore


Service Schedule for Great Lent 2023

The following represents “the plan”, but please always confirm that no alterations have been made by consulting the Weekly Bulletin (emailed on Saturday each week) and other announcement emails. Weekend