HOLY WEEK continues Holy Monday , April 10 6:30 pm Bridegroom Orthros Holy Tuesday, April 11 6:30 pm Bridegroom Orthros Holy Wednesday, April 12 6:30 pm Holy Unction Holy Thursday, April 13 9:00 am Vesperal Divine Liturgy (Institution of Eucharist) 6:30 pm Passion Gospels Orthros (Crucifixion) Holy Friday, April 14 9:00 am Royal Hours decoration of the Bier and nave 3:30 pm Taking Down from the Cross Vespers 7:00 pm Lamentations Orthros (at the Tomb) Holy Saturday, April 15 10:00 am Vesperal Divine Liturgy possibly with Baptisms/Chrismations 11:00 pm Paschal Services (Rush, Orthros, Divine Liturgy) followed by Blessing of Paschal Baskets and Festal Potluck GREAT and HOLY PASCHA, April 16 1:00 pm Agape Vespers followed by BBQ picnic, Egg Hunt, and Lots of Fun |